Imagine your furry best friend on a mosaic sun catcher. We love our pets more than anything. A unique way to brighten your day is seeing the sun reflected through their eyes with a mosaic sun catcher. It is also a perfect way to remember a loved pet you have lost. Each sun catcher is created using the finest mosaic stained glass on an unbreakable 4.5” clear acrylic disc. Once you place your order, I will send you a request for 3-4 clear photos of your pet's adorable face. I will use that as my guide to create your sun catcher. Due to the expertise level needed to capture your pet's face your sun catcher will take 2 weeks to create from the time you place your order. All sales are final.
The uneven hand-cut glass distorts the light and changes the colors. Mosaic art is never static. Its' colors become animated by the changing light throughout the day. Their patterns wandering inviting your thoughts to wander with them. Prepare to be amazed!